International artists popular in the 1990s, a Pink Floyd tribute band and local acts will take part in this year’s edition of the Summer Lust Festival, taking place in Għaxaq Grounds on May 19 and 20.

On May 19, DJ Sash (Ecuador, Stay), Sonique (Sky, Alive, It Feels So Good), Maria Nadler (One is One, Naked and Sacred) and Kirsty Hawkshaw (Just Be, Fine Day) will be performing, together with local deejays Ryan Spiteri and Tenishia.

The poster for May 20The poster for May 20

On May 20, The Scandinavian Pink Floyd will perform. The organisers, Għaxaq Music Events, are working with local and Danish technicians to ensure that they produce a high-quality show.

Matthew James will be the supporting act, while deejay Ziggy will close the two-day festival.

General entrance is by donations that will go in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Almost €35,000 were collected in the past two editions of the festival in aid of Dar Bjorn. The organisers will present the funds collected during Għaxaq’s feast of St Joseph in the first week of June.

VIP tickets for both nights are also available at More information will be posted on the official Facebook page Għaxaq Music Events in the coming weeks.

The festival is organised in collaboration with Arts Council Malta.

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