TVM’s 8pm news bulletin started over 40 minutes late on Sunday because of a technical glitch.

A TVM spokesperson said the issue related to the new Avid system. Avid technology is video editing software for television programmes. 

The bulletin was reduced to four minutes because of the issues. TVM said it has established backup systems to avoid a repetition of Sunday's situation. 

TVM's news bulletin started at 8.42pm

TVM recently came under fire, internally and from the public, as a switch to virtual studios left much to be desired. Experienced broadcasters described the picture quality as a "disgrace". 

TVM is Malta’s national broadcaster and is partly run-on public funds.

€5.9 million in public funds were spent last year according to 2023 budget estimates. That figure is set to increase in 2023, with €6.25 million allocated to the broadcaster for the coming year. 

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