Hundreds of guests attended The Pink Fashion Show on December 5  at The Rialto in Cospicua, an Art Moderne building from the 1950s which closed down as a movie theatre some 40 years ago. The event, which featured winter looks from top high-street brands, was a festive affair, with guests being treated to an array of Campari cocktails and food by Eeetwell at the after-party, gifted luxury cosmetics and perfumes and spoiled with a packed goody bag and the chance to win fabulous prizes. The Pink Fashion Show was supported by After Eight, Baci, Campari, Continental Cars, Eeetwell, Exclusive Creations, GO, Gucci, iCentre, Jean Paul Gaultier, Kinnie, Lancaster, Neu Collective, Niumee, Purina Gourmet, Sun Lab, SV Beaury and TD Plus.

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