Updated 2.10pm

A man who caused a fracas at Kalkara late on Saturday night while being followed by the police in a drug surveillance operation was remanded in custody on Sunday. 

Jean-Claude Cassar, a 20-year-old Kalkara resident, allegedly crashed his Toyota Corsa into a police car in an attempt to get away, when officers from the Drug Squad and the Rapid Intervention Unit closed in on him, blocking his path. 

One of the officers suffered slight injuries. 

Following the crash, the driver ran towards the Kalkara quay, damaging another police vehicle in his struggle to get away. 

He was ultimately arrested. 

A personal search yielded an undetermined amount of cocaine and heroin.

Hours later he was taken to court, pleading not guilty to a string of charges including drug possession, violently resisting arrest, slightly injuring one of the officers and causing damage to third party property. 

He was also charged with driving without a valid police licence and necessary insurance cover, as well as breaching bail conditions. 

Prosecuting Inspector Justine Grech objected to a request for bail, pointing out that investigations were still ongoing. 

The court, presided over by magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit, after hearing submissions by both parties, turned down the request, remanding the man in custody. 

Lawyer George Anton Buttigieg was defence counsel. 

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