ArtHall is hosting a talk about Chilean-French surrealist director, Alejandro Jodorowsky.

In 1973, the controversial director attempted to trans­­form Frank Herbert’s epic science fiction novel, Dune, into a film. His vision was to bring together a group of artists he referred to as ‘spiritual warriors’ and who were meant to star in the movie.

Among these were film director and actor Orson Welles, surrealist artist Salvador Dali, The Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger and actors Udo Kier and Gloria Swanson.

The poster of the documentary.The poster of the documentary.

The director’s ambition was to create a work which would change the minds of the young generation. The movie was meant to be about 14 hours in length.

Mikolaj Kubera, who composes experimental music, writes poetry and short stories, among other activities, will be the speaker.

He will discuss Jodorowsky’s vision of Dune and include excerpts from the documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune. Kubera has recently delivered a talk about William Blake at the same venue.

The talk on Jodorowsky’s Dune will be delivered at Arthall, 8, Triq Agius de Soldanis, Victoria on May 5 at 7.30pm.

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