Joseph Borg, a lecturer and researcher in Applied Biomedical Science at the University of Malta’s Faculty of Health Sciences, will deliver a talk and presentation on Wednesday, November 10 at 7pm at Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta, regarding an experiment on diabetes he is conducting at the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Project Maleth.

Prof. Borg’s experiment is the first Maltese presence at the ISS, launching the nation into a new era of involvement in space. During the experiment, the toughest bacterial strains of the disease will be tested for genetic mutations in an effort to be able to give patients a more accurate idea of how it could affect them.

Malta suffers from one of the highest rates of diabetes in Europe. One costly symptom of the disease is diabetic foot ulcers which are highly susceptible to infection and lead to over 100 amputations a year in Malta.

The event is organised by Malta  Café  Scientifique with the support of the  STEAM  project, Spazju Kreattiv,  the University of Malta and Malta Chamber of Scientists, of which the café forms part. It will take place ​on Wednesday, November 10, at 7pm at Studio B, Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta. COVID-19 precautionary measures apply. Limited seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis against a donation of​ ​€3. To book a seat, visit For further information, visit MCSCIweb.

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