It is not often that people in authority willingly give up their position. More often than not, they have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, from coveted corridors of power. It is even more unusual to have to persuade people in positions of power to stay on for a while longer. No matter how symbolic or insignificant, power is not easily given up.

Usually, those reluctant to hold such positions are those who, somehow, deserve it most. Italian President Sergio Mattarella is the most fitting embodiment of this.

Elected president of Italy in 2015, Mattarella is a widely respected figure. He came to prominence in the early 1980s when he was elected on the ticket of the Christian Democrats and was assigned the arduous task of cleaning the Sicilian faction of the party from Mafia influence. This was no easy task. His brother, Piersanti Mattarella, was assassinated by the Mafia in 1980 while serving as president of the regional government of Sicily.

Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in subsequent elections, Sergio Mattarella served in different cabinets and occupied some prestigious ministerial portfolios before being elected to the Constitutional Court in 2011.

As president, he is a widely respected figure who is seen as a safe pair of hands to steer Italy during these times of crisis. Though largely ceremonial, the president of Italy can grant the dissolution of parliament, choose prime ministers and assess the viability of coalitions. This has given the role an added value during times of crisis, particularly as Italian politics have become more fragmented.

The 80-year-old president was frank about his intention to leave the Quirinale once his seven-year term was up. In recent weeks, he has even been seen house-hunting in Rome. His assistant even ventured to post a photo on social media with several boxes ready to pack Mattarella’s belongings. The signals from his office were direct and unambiguous.

Nonetheless, as voting for a new president among the 1,009-strong electoral college started, it became clear that no clear winner would emerge. Mattarella emerged as the most popular candidate by the third round of voting. Eventually, he became the compromise candidate. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and other political representatives urged him to reconsider leaving the Quirinale.

His second term was officially confirmed on the eighth round of voting when he garnered 759 votes.

President Mattarella may decide to spend the next seven years at the Quirinale. Alternatively, he may choose to step down following elections in 2023. It is no secret that Draghi had set his eyes on the role.

Sergio Mattarella is seen as a safe pair of hands to steer Italy during these times of crisis- André Debattista

These recent developments reveal some interesting insights into Italian politics.

Firstly, Mattarella is respected by both the centre-right and the centre-left. Antonio Tajani, from Forza Italia, praised his time in office. At the same time, Enrico Letta, from the Democratic Party, described his decision to stay on as a sign of his gene­rosity towards the country. In some respect, it demonstrated that the notion of public service remains alive and well. In the wake of the vote, Mattarella added that he felt that the “duty to the nation must prevail over personal choices”.

Secondly, there seems to be support for the ‘status quo’. Though Draghi sought the role himself, he failed to gene­rate enthusiasm from the different parties since they were reluctant to replace him as prime minister, fearing potential instability.

Draghi has managed to reverse the perception of Italy as a country in permanent and inevitable decline. He is also widely respected on the international stage and is seen as the best person to steer the country in its post-COVID-19 phase. In essence, Draghi is seen as a guarantor of stability in Italy and Europe.

Thirdly, however, this result shows that the apparent unity is merely skin-deep. Matta­rella’s election does not disguise the deep divisions in Italian politics. None of the parties could come up with a new person who could command respect and support from different parties. This result has revealed various fractures that characterise the Italian political scene.

It is now apparent that Draghi will have to bring some cross-party support into his unity government. The election for president has demonstrated just how deep the fissures are.

During the forthcoming general elections, it will be interesting to watch developments on the right of the political spectrum. While the right is on the ascendancy, it was apparent that it remains profoundly divided. Matteo Salvini’s Lega, Giorgia Me­lo­ni’s Fratelli d’Italia and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia did not manage to identify a candidate they could all vote for.

Italian politics will get more interesting in the forthcoming year.

Meanwhile, Italy – and Europe – should count itself lucky to have a public-spiri­ted Christian Democrat of the old school who stepped in to do his duty.

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