In recent years, a growing concern has gripped the hearts of parents in Malta and throughout Europe. The cost of providing essential school supplies for their children is rising at an alarming rate, surpassing the growth of their wages. As children return to the classroom, many struggling families find themselves grappling with yet another financial setback.

The stark reality is that the total cost associated with sending a child to school has surged by approximately 20 per cent in Malta, according to recent Eurostat data. This includes essential items such as shoes, stationery supplies, backpacks and even routine expenses like a haircut.

On average, parents are now spending around €100 per child and this doesn’t even cover clothing expenses. In addition to these immediate costs, parents are burdened with additional expenses such as field trips, printing services and other school-related expenditures.

One of the most concerning aspects of this increasing cost is the price of textbooks. These educational necessities have seen a significant increase in price, causing parents to dig deeper into their pockets.

It’s not just textbooks; even the basic ingredients required for a simple school lunch have become unreasonably expensive. Consequently, parents are confronted with the harsh reality that providing a nutritious meal for their children during school hours has become a financial challenge.

Secondary education imposes an even more daunting financial burden. With each passing year, expenses related to secondary schooling seem to surge exponentially.

Private tuition, once considered a luxury, has become almost essential for many families, adding a substantial amount to the already substantial cost of education. The pressure to ensure their children receive the best possible education drives parents to make sacrifices in other aspects of their lives.

The cost associated with sending a child to school has surged by approximately 20 per cent in Malta- Graham Sansone

The root of this crisis lies in the ever-increasing cost of living in Malta. As the cost of housing, utilities and daily necessities steadily rises, families are left with a diminishing portion of their income to allocate to education. The gap between the rate at which wages are increasing and the rate at which the cost of school supplies is rising exacerbates the problem. Families find themselves caught in an incessant cycle where they must continuously tighten their belts to make ends meet.

Furthermore, the impact of this education cost crisis extends beyond individual households. It has the potential to perpetuate inequality in society. Families with limited financial means are compelled to make compromises that can adversely affect their children’s education.

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access to the same resources and opportunities as their more affluent peers, leading to an educational divide that can persist into adulthood.

Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach. First and foremost, policymakers must recognise the urgency of the situation and take steps to alleviate the financial burden on families. This could involve providing subsidies for school supplies or implementing measures to control the rising costs of education.

Graham SansoneGraham Sansone

In conclusion, the escalating expense of education in Malta burdens parents significantly. The rising costs of school supplies, textbooks and secon­dary education create financial struggles that have far-reaching effects on families and communities. It is essential for the government and educational institutions to take proactive measures in order to tackle this crisis.

Graham Sansone is executive head of the Union of Professional Educators.

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