On the eve of the two-year anniversary of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination, the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) is bringing together journalists from Malta’s independent media to discuss and debate the situation of the media landscape on the island.

The event will feature a keynote speech by John Sweeney, an old school reporter who used to work for BBC Panorama and Newsnight. He has covered trouble around the world, gone undercover to make films in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Chechnya and North Korea and challenged Donald Trump over his links to organised crime and Vladmir Putin over the shooting of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). 

Sweeney’s interview with Malta’s Prime Minister ended with him accusing  Joseph Muscat of being Europe’s “Artful Dodger” − a charge Dr Muscat denied.

Daphne ­‒ Two Years On: The State of the Media in Malta will be held today at the University of Malta Quandrangle in Msida at 6.30pm. In order to attend, follow intructions on the event’s Facebook page.

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