The government will soon issue a call for three new judges, Justice Minister Jonathan Attard has announced.

He said that two of the new judges will replace two judges who are due to retire in the coming months.

The third new judge will serve as the second judge covering the commercial court due to a drastic increase in commercial cases. 

Attard said on the television programme Insights on the national television station that the additional judges had been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and a call will be issued in the coming days.

Rather than waiting for the two judges to retire and then issue a call, the public call will be issued soon to allow time for the selection process and enough time for a proper handover, Attard said.

A reformed selection system introduced some years back means applicants must apply following a public call, with candidates then vetted by a judicial appointments committee that forms part of the Commission for the Administration of Justice. 

The committee then passes on its recommendations to the President, who is responsible for making judicial appointments. 

 Attard said the government is committed to providing all the tools necessary to ensure justice is done and is seen to be done, in reasonable timeframes.

Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti hammered home the need for more staff during his speech marking the start of the new forensic year in October when he spoke about the need for more judges and magistrates to keep up with growing caseloads. 

Malta’s judiciary is currently made up of 25 judges and 25 magistrates, and chief justices have repeatedly called for those numbers to swell in line with burgeoning caseloads. 

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