This month marks the third year of tenure of this government. Three years during which this government faced numerous challenges, many of them spurned by international situations as a result of which certain firm but responsible decisions had to be made so that our country could continue to function properly. Many were sceptical of the degree of success this government would achieve after having been at the helm for the best part of two decades. However, considering the international crisis, it is undeniable we have managed to achieve what few thought we could.

These three years were marked by important events that have played and will continue to play a huge role in the formation of this country’s future.

The decision to join the eurozone a few weeks before the last election was an important step that guaranteed stability amid the economic collapse Europe and the rest of the world went through. Many were wary of this step but it has proved to be a determining step that saved many jobs and business ventures.

This was the only realistic decision to take in order to ensure the growth of our economy and, subsequently, better standard of living for all citizens. It was not a decision that was taken lightly and, in view of the fact that many other European governments lost their tenure after introducing the euro, it was also a calculated risk, which confirms the fact the Nationalist Administration looks at the interest of the country first and foremost. Today, all agree, even if some do not do it officially, that the introduction of the euro saved Malta from a severe recession.

During this tumultuous period, Malta needed a Prime Minister that was not afraid to take difficult and unpopular decisions in order to ride the storm. We have to keep in mind the record prices of a barrel of oil three years ago, prices that soared up to $135 a barrel and that, obviously, contributed to make the global financial situation a critical one, to say the least. Against this scenario, Malta still managed to secure foreign investment with many multinational companies choosing Malta over other countries as their base of operation.

With the financial and economic crisis barely over, the world was hit by the popular revolts in the Arab world, particularly in North Africa. With this region so close to us we were directly involved, mainly because of the fact that so many Maltese earn their living there.

The way in which this government handled and is handling the situation needs no comment. We have never before featured so prominently and positively in the international media. We have proved capable of being a worthy player on the international scene. Our Administration took timely and vital decisions in the light of the delicate situation that dawned on us. The comments by British Prime Minister David Cameron in the House of Commons pretty much sums up our contribution to the matter.

This is a government that is not only capable of bringing the country forward economically and socially, it is a government that has gained on its credibility not only within the European Union but globally. Every day brings with it a new challenge, a new situation that, sometimes, has to be dealt with immediately. With Lawrence Gonzi at the helm we are assured all the decisions taken in this sense are the right ones. We have managed to meet and overcome lots of challenges, even when many expressed doubts on the way forward.

Throughout the years, Nationalist administrations have governed with one aim in mind, that is to ensure a better standard of living and a better way of life for all Maltese and Gozitans. These two decades or so have proved that, even though some decisions were hard to take, in the long run they have proved to be the right ones.

The author is a Nationalist member of the European Parliament.

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