These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta reports that FCID police officers raided an office of car rental firm Sicily by Car and seized devices as part of a fraud probe involving the company and its franchise holder, Christian Borg.

The newspaper also reveals that Mosta shoppers are poised to get another discount supermarket option, with giant Eurospin slated to open a massive outlet just down the road from the existing Lidl.

The Malta Independent reports a Standard Commissioner’s call to be allowed to publish his decisions to not investigate complaints, writing that his calls for more transparency have been ignored by a parliamentary committee for more than six months.

The newspaper also reports that a court has ordered a case concerning the Vitals hospitals deal to be heard in January but rejected the PN’s urgency request.

L-Orizzont leads with a presentation given to social partners at the MCESD on active ageing and keeping older people in the workforce. The newspaper also gives prominence to Robert Abela’s remarks at an EU Council summit in Brussels.

In-Nazzjon writes that the Vitals case filed by PN leader Bernard Grech and MP Adrian Delia will start being heard on January 8. The newspaper also writes that the government “has no solution” for rising prices.

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