The following are the main stories in Sunday’s newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta speaks to a former government advisor who says many modern buildings are not robust enough to withstand a moderate earthquake, let alone a strong one.

In another story, the newspaper reports that Robert and Adrian Agius, commonly referred to as Tal-Maksar, have successfully challenged that nickname reference through one of several preliminary pleas raised in respect of the bill of indictment during the pre-trial stages. 

The brothers, together with Jamie Vella and George Degiorgio, stand jointly but variously accused under one bill of indictment over their alleged involvement in the 2017 murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and that of lawyer Carmel Chircop, two years before. 

The Malta Independent on Sunday says that 20 years later, former Prime Minister Alfred Sant still believes Malta made a mistake to join the European Union.

MaltaToday says inflation is eroding the traditional spending on Christmas presents.

Illum says 244 suicide attempts were registered in 2020, the highest rate ever.

It-Torċa leads with a speech by Malta' ambassador in the United Nations Joe Vella Gauci.

Kullħadd says that the last Budget has brought about unprecedented improvement for Maltese families.

Il-Mument says that the new Air Malta is already putting people off by charging for hand luggage.

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