The following are the main stories in Friday’s newspapers.
Times of Malta says Elliot Paul Busuttil has admitted to murdering taxi driver Mario Farrugia, who was found dead in the trunk of his car two years ago, and the attempted murder of a second man, Emil Marinov.
In another story, the newspaper says that according to data obtained from the University of Malta, the number of nurses graduating last year was the lowest in a decade, with only 83 qualifying in the much-needed profession compared to 149 the previous year.
The Malta Independent also leads with Busuttil’s guilty plea to the murder and attempted murder.
In-Nazzjon quotes PN leader Bernard Grech saying that the government could have joined the PN’s quest to get back the €400 million spent on the hospitals’ deal.
L-Orizzont says Malta has registered the highest economic growth among EU countries.