The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Sunday.

The Sunday Times of Malta reports that the majority of the members of the Cabinet would welcome a political comeback by Joseph Muscat. The former prime minister is reportedly considering a bid for election to the European Parliament, where he started his political life. 

The newspaper also reports that an investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office into the Marsa junction project has recently zeroed in on former Infrastructure Malta chief Fredrick Azzopardi.

MaltaToday reports that according to the police, nuns behind child abuse allegations in a Gozo home cannot be charged.  It also reports that PN insiders have cautioned party leader Bernard Grech to moderate a misinformed stand on the reform of the drugs laws.

The Malta Independent, meanwhile, quotes the director of Caritas saying the proposed drugs reform would 'ease' the minds of traffickers. The newspaper also features an MP's complaints that nothing regulates massage parlours. 

It-Torċa says the Labour Party started the year stronger. According to its survey, it enjoys the support of 53% compared to 42.2% for the PN.

According to Il-Mument, Robert Abela is a prisoner of Joseph Muscat and has lost control over the Labour Party. 

Illum says there is euphoria within Labour about Joseph Muscat's expected return to politics, but moderates are angry. It also reports that Labour's parliamentary group is to discuss allowing Rosianne Cutajar to return to the group.

KullĦadd quotes the prime minister saying the June European Parliament elections are a choice between a progressive economy or austerity.

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