The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports how a court found that a man accused of involvement in the horrific Paqpaqli car crash seven years ago had 'big fat zero' involvement. It also reports that retailers will shoulder 4.4% of price cuts negotiated with the government. A further 10.6 per cent will be shouldered by importers. 

The Malta Independent quotes the Rota cycle advocacy group saying that alternative modes of transport have no change in Infrastructure Malta's approach. 

In-Nazzjon leads with Bernard Grech's comments on Sunday, where he said the people are suffering the consequences of Robert Abela's weak leadership. It also reports that Abela is doing what he can to hide Joseph Muscat's name. In a third story it says Mater Dei Hospital is struggling to cope.

l-orizzont gives prominence to a commitment by the prime minister for the government to continue to help the people. It also recalls that the late GWU general secretary Tony Zarb would have turned 70 on Monday. 

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