The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta reports that the Chamber of SMEs has asked about 10,000 businesses to tally how much the power cuts have cost them over the past two weeks, in a bid to push the government to issue compensation.

It also reports that a Maltese doctor pioneering longevity medicine in the UK and Malta estimates life expectancy can easily go up to 120 years old from an average 84 if patients focus on prevention.

The Malta Independent says two men have been convicted of animal cruelty, having caused unnecessary suffering to a horse. It also reports that the Malta Philharmonic suspended its principal conductor after reports of his arrest.

In-Nazzjon quotes PN leader Bernard Grech saying the PN has confidence in the people. It also reports that two Gozitan ministers are causing problems for the prime minister - Anton Refalo and Joe Etienne Abela, with the latter fed up and wishing to return to private medical practice. 

l-orizzont says the collection of organic waste has risen by 35% over last year. It also reports that a man suffering a daily drug problem demanded money from his parents. 

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