The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers.

Times of Malta leads with a focus on the financial allocation made for the Office of the Prime Minister in the Budget. It shows €92 million being allocated for early retirement schemes at Air Malta. 

The newspaper also reports on Bernard Grech's formal reply to the Budget speech in Parliament, where he accused the government of having corrupted minds.

The opposition leader's speech also makes it to the front pages of the other newspapers. The Malta Independent quotes him as saying that the Budget is only focused on the economy of population growth. In-Nazzjon says a PN government would build the economy on a new model of quality not quantity. l-orrizont says the prime minister will give his reply on Tuesday evening.

In other stories, The Malta Independent says Keith Schembri's (second) phone went missing and was then found in a separate court case file.

l-orizzont says the GWU is in favour of wider use of Skill Cards.

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