The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with news that the owners of two car dealerships have denied tampering with the mileage of more than 450 cars they imported from Japan.

It separately reports that non-EU workers in hotels, bars and restaurants will need to get a skills card in 2024 to work in the tourism sector.

The Malta Independent also reports on plans to introduce the skills card. It meanwhile leads with news that the minimum wage is set to increase to €213.54 as of January.

In-Nazzjon reports that PN leader Bernard Grech attended a European People's Party summit. 

It separately alleges that Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa` is delaying action linked to the hospitals' deal scandal.

L-orizzont also reports on the skills card, while leading with news that the minimum wage is set to increase to between €12 to €18 by 2027.  

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