The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that three boys aged two, five and nine were among the rape victims reported to police over the past four years, when an average of three rape reports a month were filed.

Separately, the newspaper reports that Transport Malta is seeking legal advice on how to enforce its suspension of Christian Borg’s car leasing operation because his cars are now being leased out under a different company.

The Malta Independent refers to comments by media lawyer Therese Comodini Cachia that the media reform bills need to be redrafted.

The newspaper also reports that seven Syrian nationals have been charged in court in connection with terrorism.

In-Nazzjon quotes Bernard Grech, who on Sunday told party supporters the PN was the only shield of Maltese and Gozitan people. 

L-orizzont refers to a statement by the European Commission stating that there are currently no plans to take action against Malta over construction deaths.

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