These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta carries a photo of regatta racers in the Grand Harbour.

The newspaper highlights the disappointment of Fortunata Mizzi’s family at discovering that a court has ordered their mother’s murderers to pay them €62,000 in compensation. It took 22 years to settle the case.

The newspaper also reports on a key decision by the Broadcasting Authority, which ruled in ADPD’s favour in an impartiality complaint filed against Labour-owned media station ONE.

The Malta Independent carries a photo of President George Vella at the Freedom Day monument.

The newspaper also leads with Birdlife’s CEO saying MEP Alex Agius Saliba is “ridiculing himself at EU level” with his vocal defence of spring hunting in Brussels.

In a separate story, the newspaper reports that shots were fired at storks roosting in Malta overnight.

L-Orizzont carries a photo of Prime Minister Robert Abela at the Freedom Day monument in Vittoriosa.

It gives prominence to a report about menstrual leave, with the CEO of a firm that introduced such leave locally telling the newspaper he expects more companies across Europe to follow suit in the coming years.  

In-Nazzjon splashes with a large photo of crowds who attended a procession for Our Lady of Sorrows in Valletta.

The newspaper also reports that four former Labour MPs – Gavin Gulia, Luciano Busuttil, Silvio Grixti and Etienne Grech - have pocketed more than €1 million between themselves in government payments as consultants.

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