The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.
Times of Malta reports how the Education Ministry was scammed of €300,000 when officials were tricked by a bill supposedly received from a UK service provider.
The newspaper also reports how an elderly man was fined €2,000 for negligent driving after he accidentally hit and killed his wife while reversing a van.
The Malta Independent says the Community Chest Fund spent €20 million on medicines last year. It also says Brizebbuġa Regatta Club has been left high and dry after the Lands Authority evicted it from a warehouse.
L-orizzont leads with a court case where an appeals court awarded damages of €10,000 to a man who was hit with an iron bar and risks losing his sight. The aggressor was spared jail. It also reports remarks by Samuel Azzopardi, president of the Gozo Region, for a balance so that Gozo would not be taken over by building.
In-Nazzjon focuses on Easter celebrations in Malta and says the Pope focused on peace in his Easter message.