The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta leads with Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo's plea to the EU to help Libya before a humanitarian tragedy strikes. It also focuses on the pressure on the prime minister to reconsider plans to dismiss pilots and cabin crew. 

The Malta Independent reports how Archbishop Charles Scicluna on Monday said all persons in distress around Malta should be rescued. It also reports that the wilful spreading of COVID-19 will be criminalised, with convicted persons liable to nine years imprisonment. 

l-orizzont focuses on a cautious note struck by the superintendent of public health, Charmaine Gauci, who warned Monday that Malta was still in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and it was too early to think of a return to normality. 

In-Nazzjon reports that Adrian Delia has called for an urgent summit of the European Popular Party to discuss the migration problem. It also reports that the prime minister has been silent amid calls for social welfare boss Alfred Grixti to be dismissed after comments that migrants boats should be scuttled.

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