The following are the main stories in Friday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta says the steady increase in the prices of consumer products over the past three months has sent the cost-of-living adjustment through the roof, with the wage rise that would have to be awarded next year at a whopping €13 per week so far.

In another story, the newspaper says a 79-year-old man has been charged in connection with the involuntary homicide of Marie Claire Lombardi, who died after her motorcycle skidded on spilt olives in Rabat last year. 

The Malta Independent quotes Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna saying that tough decisions may be needed to tame the inflation monster.

L-Orizzont says that according to the annual report of the Central Bank, an economic growth of 3.7% is expected this year.

In-Nazzjon says the Nationalist Party will today present to court the official document showing that Labour MP Glenn Bedingfield had not paid taxes for years.

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