These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with testimony by George Degiorgio in court, who on Friday argued that he only pleaded guilty to murdering Daphne Caruana Galizia because he feared being given a life sentence if he didn’t. The Degiorgio brothers are seeking a retrial after being jailed for 40 years for the murder.

The newspaper also reports a General Workers Union warning about COLA. The cost-of-living-adjustment mechanism should not be touched without consensus among social partners, the union’s boss has said.

The Malta Independent leads with news of a legal notice issued on Friday that extends the Planning Authority’s regularisation policy to buildings that are partially on ODZ land. The newspaper also gives prominence to Degiorgio’s court testimony.

L-Orizzont writes that foreign-owned firms operating in Malta are looking to expand and diversify their operations.

The newspaper dedicates its front-page photo to a court case decided on Friday, when a man admitted to sexually assaulting an Italian tourist in St Paul’s Bay.

In-Nazzjon leads with news of meetings that PN leader Bernard Grech held with workers at National Lottery plc on Friday.

The newspaper also focuses on concerns about police corruption in two separate front-page pieces. In one, the newspaper writes that Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri did not deny a cover-up in prosecuting former Pilatus Bank officials. In another, the paper highlights a decision to give a small group of police officers a salary increase, describing it as discriminatory.  

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