These are the stories making headlines in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta publishes the secret deal which former minister Konrad Mizzi had struck with Air Malta pilots in 2018, guaranteeing them a job at their existing take-home pay.

The newspaper also reports that all roadwork projects in the country have been told to down tools as of Monday, with Infrastructure Malta claiming all landfills are full.

The Malta Independent highlights an interview with Charmaine Gauci in which she warns people not to expect to return to normality any time soon.

The newspaper also gives prominence to the launch of a revised fuel stations policy, which will cap the number of stations and limit the size of ODZ stations.

L-Orizzont gives prominence to an explanation of legal remedies available to fathers who are unable to pay child support after losing their jobs due to the coronavirus slowdown.

In-Nazzjon dedicates its front page to a visit PN leader Adrian Delia paid to police headquarters in which he thanked them for their work and said that the law must be equal for all.

The newspaper also highlights Delia’s virtual meeting with hunters and trappers. Delia said the PN favoured sustainable hunting.


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