The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers.

Times of Malta leads with the results of a University of Malta survey showing that more than half of young people said they witnessed some form of domestic abuse as children. The newspaper also reports how Gzira council won a crucial court case against the relocation of a petrol station to part of a public garden. 

The Malta Independent reports how Repubblika president Robert Aquilina has written to the prime minister and the police commissioner seeking protection.  It also reports that a Maltese athlete will run across Sicily to raise funds for the soup kitchen. 

In-Nazzjon says over a picture of car dealer Christian Borg that the police commissioner and Bank of Valletta closed their eyes to money laundering. It also says the prime minister is continuing to drag his feet on the recovery of funds from Steward Healthcare.

l-orizzont says court proceedings have been started against a man who tried to corrupt a witness. It also says the crime rate is at its lowest in 25 years. 



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