These are the leading stories in local newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with extracts from an interview with the outgoing president of Malta’s oldest business lobby, the Malta Chamber, who warned of a crisis of the political class, saying that unless political parties get serious about certain issues they would drive themselves into irrelevance.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a case filed by a group of Mosta businesses who are suing the authorities for damages and loss of earnings as a result of shoddy and negligent roadworks which had been going on since 2020. The case was filed against Infrastructure Malta, Transport Malta, the Mosta local council and mayor Christopher Grech, contractor Carmel Vella Limited and the Malta Tourism Authority.

It also reports on the 30th anniversary since the murder of bowler Sylvia King in one of Malta’s most peaceful spots.

The Malta Independent also leads with the case filed by the Mosta shop owners. The newspaper also gives prominence to an appeal by President George Vella to the Planning Authority and other regulatory authorities to provide solutions to the current state of the environment.

L-Orizzont leads with comments by General Workers’ Union general secretary Josef Bugeja that the state of the environment was a determining factor in people’s quality of life. In another story, it interviews sexologist Matthew Bartolo. It prominently features a photograph of the statues which will be used in Cospicua on Good Friday.

In-Nazzjon leads with a large photo about the Palm Sunday celebration at the Vatican on Sunday, marking the beginning of the Holy Week. In another story it quotes Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech as saying that government exponents were competing among themselves on who was going to earn most.

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