The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta leads its front page with a report about the latest murder and describes how sources believe the man found inside the boot of a car on Tuesday was probably stabbed to death somewhere else around the end of last week.

Separately, the newspaper reports there is increased optimism that Malta could make it off the FATF greylist in June. 

The Malta Independent meanwhile carries a report on the European Commission's decision to proceed with infringement over Malta's golden passport scheme.

Separately, the newspaper carries a report saying the casual election for Labour Party candidates will be held on Thursday. 

L-orizzont reports how an accused warned police inspector he would one day be free, while in a second story the newspaper says that during his recent visit, Pope Francis said that a Franciscan priest should serve as an example of the love people should give migrants. 

Meanwhile, In-Nazzjon dedicated its front page to a report on the European Commission's decision on Malta's passport scheme. 

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