These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.
Times of Malta carries a photo of people queuing up to buy qagħaq tal-appostli from the prison bakery at Corradino on Friday.
The newspaper leads with an exclusive revealing how prison is still paying its former deputy chief Randolph Spiteri, despite Spiteri having been transferred out of CCF almost a year ago.
In a secondary story, the newspaper gives prominence to a doctor whose knee surgery was postponed due to industrial action by nurses.
In-Nazzjon carries a photo of a new statue carried on display during the Qormi Good Friday procession.
The newspaper’s lead story focuses on the celebration of Good Friday in Malta and across the Catholic world. Other articles on its front page report the death of a 24-year-old in a fall close to Portomaso and long queues outside the prison bakery on Friday.
L-Orizzont runs a photo of a Good Friday statue, noting that processions returned following a years-long COVID-19 pause.
The newspaper leads with a report about former dockyard workers who fell ill due to asbestos exposure saying they are thankful for the General Workers Union help they received.
It also reports a speech by architect Conrad Thake, who called for more measured development “that compliments its surroundings”. Thake was the winner of the president’s award for architecture.