These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta reports that a judge has watered down directives issued by nurses’ union MUMN, to safeguard patient health.

The newspaper also gives prominence to Charmaine Gauci’s calls for people to stay at home during Christmas and not mingle with other households.

The Malta Independent leads with news that the EU has reached a deal on its budget and coronavirus recovery fund.  The newspaper also gives prominence to auditor-general Charles Deguara’s testimony at a public inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder.

L-Orizzont leads with a court’s decision to provisionally block mass layoffs by gaming firm NetEnt, following court action filed by the General Workers’ Union. The newspaper also describes a climate change deal struck by EU leaders as “historic”.

In-Nazzjon splashes a large photo of a giant Christmas tree in Għajnsielem. The newspaper’s lead story highights proposals made by the Nationalist Party related to youth and youth politics.


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