The following are the main stories in Thursday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta leads with a photo marking the end of swimmer Neil Agius’s feat as he completed, on Wednesday night, the longest continuous, unassisted, current-neutral swim along a single-segment natural route, in aid of a campaign against plastic pollution in the sea.

In another story, the newspaper says that hundreds of people have been caught abusing social benefits every year as the government steps up its fight against fraud that involves millions of euros falsely claimed in childcare, disability, unemployment and other state support.

Editor-in-chief Herman Grech explains why the newspaper had to refuse a full-page advert from Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is notorious for clamping down on human rights and who has restricted the free press in his own country.

The Malta Independent quotes Prime Minister Robert Abela saying that he can never justify the Panama Papers.

L-Orizzont quotes the Prime Minister saying the government will keep offering businesses a shoulder to lean on.

In-Nazzjon leads with Opposition leader Bernard Grech expressing conviction that Malta will get out of the FATF’s grey list with everyone’s good will.

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