These are the leading stories in local newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta leads with news that Attorney General Peter Grech had warned the
police that seizing evidence in connection with a possible Panama Papers investigation into Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi would be a “drastic” move.

The newspaper also gives prominence to a PN MPs meeting set for Tuesday, during which Adrian Delia’s embattled leadership is expected to be the main item on the agenda.

The Malta Independent refers to comments by Prime Minister Robert Abela who in a meeting on Monday with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarray said Malta's vision was for better border protection and less loss of lives. 

L-Orizzont also refers to the meeting between the prime ministers of Malta and Libya, during which the two announced the setting up of an immigration coordination centre.

In-Nazzjon's leading story claims that some Air Malta employees are being given preferential treatment. 

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