The following are the main stories in Wednesday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta leads with a young survivor recounting the ordeal of trying to save his friend from the rough sea, before a strong wave suddenly pulled the victim away from an improvised rope made of clothes. In another story, the newspaper says former prime minister Joseph Muscat is among a small team of advisers being consulted to help draft Malta’s post-COVID19 economic recovery plan. 

The Malta Independent says the Construction Authority will have the power to disqualify contractors who break the law. 

Malta Today reports on a Planning Application for a quarry in Wied Inċita to be extended by 12,500 square metres.

L-Orizzont says that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe seems to be over.

In-Nazzjon quotes PN deputy leader Robert Arrigo saying that a structured and long term plan is needed for the tourism sector.

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