The following are the top stories in the Maltese newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta leads with the promising results announced by Pfizer on Tuesday in its development of a COVID-19 vaccine. It also reports how Jason Azzopardi has suspended himself from the PN parliamentary group amid reports that the Tumas Group paid for his hotel stay during a visit to Israel.

Azzopardi's self-suspension makes the main headline on The Malta Independent. The newspaper also gives prominence to Christmas in the City plans announced on Monday.

L-orizzont highlights how the Commission on Domestic Violence has reported an increase in domestic tensions caused by COVID-19.

In-Nazzjon leads with government plans to house COVID-19 positive elderly patients under one roof, moving them out of old people's homes. It also points out that while the health authorities work to prevent public gatherings, the government is promoting Black Friday and other mass events. 

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