The following are the main stories in Tuesday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta says oriental hornets have been responsible for the decimation of 70% of Maltese beehives, which will result in problems with honey production and potential repercussions on farming.

In another story, the newspaper speaks to former police inspector Mary Muscat, who is a lawyer and a criminologist, who says that police recruits should face a detailed psychological evaluation so that any issues relating to racial hatred may be flagged before they join the force.

The Malta Independent says that 80,000 vulnerable people and 37,000 households will benefit from the second cost of living adjustment.

L-Orizzont says that this will come into effect later on in 2022.

In-Nazzjon quotes PN leader Bernard Grech saying that the Nationalist Party is to start proposing holistic reforms in judicial processes rather than isolated measures.

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