The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta reports that Mater Dei Hospital's intensive care consultants have spoken out for the first time in the pandemic to warn the public and political leaders they must do all they can to stop the virus overwhelming the unit.

The newspaper also reports how MFSA chief Joseph Cuschieri went to Last Vegas with Yorgen Fenech, the suspected mastermind of the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder.  

The Malta Independent reports how the Caruana Galizia inquiry was told on Wednesday that police investigations into the Panama Papers are at a 'crucial' stage. The newspaper also reports that almost 500 bars close for a month from today as part of COVID-19 measures. 

In-Nazzjon leads with the PN's call for the government to sack MFSA chief Joseph Cuschieri for having travelled to Las Vegas with Yorgen Fenech. 

L-orizzont says the PN has made a u-turn on the tunnel to Gozo, after voting in favour of the project a few months ago.

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