The importance of having an innovative trademark, which is also attention-grabbing for attracting a greater number of consumers to one’s product and service, is well known. However, that may not be quite enough, so here is some important information on how to protect your business in today’s highly competitive world.
Firstly, your trademark needs to be easily recognised and distinguishable from other marks used on products and services that are similar or in your same line of business.
In this way, consumers clearly recognise the product or service you offer by immediately associating it with your company or business and would not confuse it with any other entities.
Secondly, you need to register your trademark. Registration gives you the unique advantage of not only having a distinctive and robust trademark but of also enjoying exclusive rights to both name and logo. This is of utmost importance when considering the amount of time and effort you invested in creating it, then building up its reputation.
A strong registered trademark can be an effective tool to prevent third parties from taking advantage of the reputation of your trademark, by using a trademark that is similar or identical to yours. A registered trademark can also be licensed, transferred, as well as form part of the assets of your business or enterprise.
And thirdly, a robust trademark can open up a vast range of opportunities for your business to grow and gain recognition even abroad. That’s why you can also register for a European Union Trademark (EUTM) which can protect your brand abroad. The EUTM system coexists with and is complimentary to the national trademark registration so you will only be required to file one application; then when registered, it will give you the exclusive right in all EU countries.
For more information on how to protect and register your trademark in Malta, visit the Industrial Property Registrations Directorate (IPRD) section on the Commerce Department website at or speak to Business 1st.
To learn more about protecting and registering your trademark in the EU, visit the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) at
Protecting and registering your trademark is an important factor towards making your business successful.