Transport Malta roadside inspections in August have resulted in 1,729 contraventions, of which 278 were administrative fines and 1,451 were referred to tribunals.

In a statement on Thursday, the agency said it conducted rigorous inspections across the country, with a keen focus on promoting road safety, compliance with traffic regulations, and ensuring the well-being of all road users.

CEO Jonathan Borg said the significant number of infringements identified proved TM’s “unwavering commitment” to enhancing road safety across the nation.

He emphasised that enforcing regulations is essential for the betterment of communities and the safety of road users.

Enforcement director Patrick Pollacco emphasised the significance of the inspections saying they served as a critical tool in TM’s mission to maintain the highest standards of road.

"Through our relentless efforts, we aim to reduce the risk of accidents and promote responsible road behaviour," he said.

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