The European Commission has been asked to intervene over what is claimed to be the lack of a healthy working environment at the Malta-based asylum agency, following reports of alleged nepotism and mishandling of harassment allegations.

Workers at the European Union Agency for Asylum are feeling threatened, living in fear and working in an environment of distrust, according to the Union Syndicale Federale (USF), which represents employees in EU institutions.

In a letter to Monique Pariat, the director general for migration and home affairs, which was copied to European Commissioner Ylva Johansson, USF president Nicolas Mavraganis called on the commission to intervene to restore a working atmosphere of mutual trust.

The USF is extremely concerned about the working conditions at the EUAA which are further accentuated by the fact that the personnel are located in various member states- Union president Nicolas Mavraganis

In September, anonymous employees of the agency called on the European Union’s anti-fraud unit, OLAF, to investigate top management, particularly executive director Nina Gregori who is facing accusations of misconduct.

Gregori took charge in 2019 after the departure of her predecessor José Carreira, who had faced accusations of harassment.

What are the allegations being made? 

The unnamed whistleblowers alleged that Gregori had set up a complex system of legal structures and controls that give an appearance of compliance and regularity but that, in reality, hide and cover all the agency’s irregularities

They claimed that Gregori has ensured it is impossible to alert “the management board, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the public”.

Allegations against Gregori include appointments that contravened human resources rules.

Gregori and her senior managers have rejected the allegations.

The complaint also targeted a certain Mark Camilleri, who was allegedly the subject of harassment complaints by five staff members in the past three years and who was “supported” by Gregori “in all cases”, the employees alleged.

Gerardo Knouse Ramirez, the head of the agency’s internal controls, also stands accused by the complainants of covering up mismanagement.

Camilleri and Knouse Ramirez both denied all the accusations included in the complaint, the agency said.

The asylum agency employs about 2,000 people, offering member states legal, technical and operational assistance.

Previously the European Asylum Support Office, it was given a new name at the beginning of this year and a reinforced mandate to help unify the way member states handle asylum claims.

'Ways to re-establish serenity and trust'

Mavraganis told the commission he had asked Gregori for a meeting to discuss the situation and find “the most appropriate ways to re-establish a climate of serenity and trust”. He said that, in her reply, Gregori said she took the allegations seriously and insisted on having “more concrete information on the nature and origin of such claims before taking further action”.

He said this request could not be met because those making the claims had insisted on remaining anonymous “as they feared serious consequences” for their employment, especially with regard to the renewal of their contracts when they expire.

Agency director Nina Gregori took over in 2019. Photo: EUAAAgency director Nina Gregori took over in 2019. Photo: EUAA

“The USF is extremely concerned about the working conditions at the EUAA which are further accentuated by the fact that the personnel are located in various member states. Several cases of burnout and repeated sick leave have been reported to us,” Mavraganis told the commission.

He asked for it to intervene with a view to preserving the agency’s reputation and ensuring the well-being of its workers by re-establishing a health working environment.

'Psychological violence'

The agency is not new to controversy. In 2018, the European anti-fraud unit found “irregularities” at the Malta-based office, recommending that the management board should take disciplinary action against former executive director José Carreira and several other staff members.

Carreira, who denied the allegations, resigned from the agency before the investigation was concluded, amid accusations of bullying and “psychological violence”.

Times of Malta has reported how agency staff complained in internal e-mails about the “culture of irresponsibility” and “psychological violence” they were subjected to.

OLAF confirmed in September that it had received the complaint and was evaluating its “potential investigative interest according to standard procedures”.

A probe would be opened if the watchdog decides it has the competence to act and if there is “sufficient suspicion of serious misconduct” involving either fraud, corruption or illegal activity, it said.

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