The best reads of the week by the National Book Council and Times of Malta

Żewġ Drammi: Appuntamenti/Repubblika Immakulata

By Simone Spiteri
Simone Spiteri
€15, ISBN: 9789918200085

Appuntamenti and Repubblika Immakulata were written in a span of 14 years and chart the development of Simone Spiteri and of Maltese theatre. Appuntamenti follows six individuals on a bus stage and Repubblika Immakulata puts Malta under the lens.

The Unreality of Realism: An Insular Perspective on the Development of Modern Art

By Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci
Horizons Malta
€35, ISBN: 9995775700

This is the first in a series of publications dedicated to a theoretical reassessment of modern art, and offers a critical analysis of Realism as manifested in 19th and 20th century art. Schembri debates the topic of Realism as an art historical category from a theoretical and philosophical perspective with comparative strength.

L-Ispettaklu Stupend Żanżan Kelma

By Leanne Ellul and Clare Azzopardi
Merlin Publishers
€9.95, ISBN: 9789990918373

India couldn’t sleep and kept imagining Philomena Spright pointing her red-painted nails at her and shouting at her that she could win the L-Ispettaklu Stupend Żanżan Kelma competition. Could this be true?



The Mirror and the Light

By Hilary Mantel
Harper Collins
€30, ISBN: 9780007480999

England, May 1536. Anne Boleyn is dead and Thomas Cromwell breakfasts with the victors. The blacksmith’s son from Putney emerges from the spring’s bloodbath to continue his climb to power and wealth, while his formidable master, Henry VIII, settles to short-lived happiness.

Where to buy your books online


B.D.L. Books

EDE Books

Faraxa Publishing

Heritage Malta Publishing heritage-malta-publications/


Kite Group

Klabb Kotba Maltin / Midsea Books

Merlin Publishers

Miller Distributors Ltd.

Miranda Publishers


Sensiela Kotba Soċjalisti

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