Does our Criminal Code provide for two or more separate charges for the wilful homicide of more than one person when such heinous crimes are committed by the same accused?

How is it that in Malta a person accused of this crime gets away with one sentence of imprisonment when in other countries he/she is given a term of imprisonment for each victim? An accused abroad is liable to more than one life sentence or jail term if found guilty of more than one murder.

Citizens, and particularly old age pensioners, need to be protected because double murders have happened in the past (the Tarxien case, and others) and will continue to occur. Is it not enough that the death penalty has been abolished? But then why should the accused get away with one punishment when his victims were two or more? Has life and all its values been so diminished as not to be able to distinguish between one, two or more deaths by violence committed by the same accused?

If the answer to my first question is in the negative then someone must immediately act to safeguard justice.

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