The judicial authorities in Sicily have ordered the arrest of eight men and a woman, including two Maltese, for their alleged association in a racket which saw Libyan contraband fuel sold in Europe, according to Italian media.

The Maltese are former Maltese international football player Darren Debono and  Gordon Debono, both 43. They were reportedly involved in the transport of the oil.

The other suspects were involved in the operations of the refinery and bunkering in Libya and Italy. 

READ: Operazione Dirty Oil, 9 arresti per riciclaggio di gasolio

The oil was exported illegally from Zawyia Libyan refinery and shipped to Europe where it was mixed with other oil and then sold from various sources.  

Some 80 million kilogrammes of fuel oil worth €30 million was shipped to Italy in 30 tanker trips.

READ: Fuel smuggled from Libya being brought to Malta - UN

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