Two men of Arab nationality were yesterday being held by the police in connection with the murder of Simon Grech, 20, of Siggiewi, who was repeatedly stabbed in his chest, neck and abdomen.

The victim's body was discovered by the police in a field in Marsa on Wednesday afternoon, a week after he was reported missing.

The two men had already been taken in by the police in a first round of arrests, but the police were still looking for clues, including the motive for the murder.

Police are yet to establish whether Mr Grech was killed in the field where he was found or whether he was killed somewhere else and then dumped in the long grass in the middle of the field. But investigators are not excluding that he may have been killed on site after having had an argument with someone.

Mr Grech was last seen by his family on April 5 and his father reported him missing on April 7.

Anyone having any information on the case is asked to contact the police on 2122 1111.

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