Some two million plastic bottles are being reduced annually, thanks to a Water Services Corporation initiative which sees the installation of hundreds of water dispensers in various locations, such as in public schools and at Mater Dei Hospital. 

More than 300 dispensers have already been installed and another 210 are being installed by the end of the year.

At Mater Dei Hospital, 115 water dispensers have been installed for public use, free of charge. It has been estimated that from the hospital only, 711,000 fewer plastic bottles have been used.

Speaking during a visit to St. Benedict’s College - Secondary School, Environment Minister Miriam Dalli and Education Minister Clifton Grima praised this initiative saying it left a positive impact both on health and the environment. 

 “This initiative aims to encourage the use of reusable water bottles while offering high-quality water.

Such investment translates into two million plastic bottles fewer each year while encouraging the public to drink more water for health benefits,” Dalli said.

Grima added that education, children’s health, and environmental awareness are at the centre of such an initiative.

“From a young age, children need to be taught how to take care of themselves, and this is being done through various initiatives, such as education on the food and drink consumption as well on the importance of more physical activity.”

This project is part of ongoing projects by WSC to continue offering quality service to its customers. In the meantime, WSC continuously works to enhance the quality of tap water around the Maltese islands. 


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