The UĦM has asked a number of questions to the Superintendent of Public Health about her decision to tell workers who had been considered vulnerable to Covid-19 to return to work.

The workers had received a letter from the superintendent, Charmaine Gauci, telling them they could now return to their places of work.

The UĦM said that Gauci's letter to the workers mentioned guidelines that people could consult but these guidelines had been removed from the health promotion department's website. It further transpired that only people who were of working age had received this letter. Elderly people and children have not received such a letter.

The UĦM asked:

  • Are persons between the ages of 16 and 65 less valuable than elderly and children?
  • What scientific reasons are there for these persons not be regarded as vulnerable anymore?
  • Is Malta a COVID-19 free country?
  • Is there no risk for these persons to contract COVID-19?
  • If they are to contract COVID-19 are they less at risk than before?
  • What happened to the guidelines for vulnerable people?
  • Can they be consulted elsewhere?



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