The number of persons registering for work stood at 1,711 in June, a drop of  2,559 when compared to the corresponding month in 2020.

The National Statistics Office said that according to JobsPlus data,  unemployment decreased across all age groups.

Those who had been registering for work for less than 21 weeks, decreased considerably when compared to the same month in 2020. Drops were also recorded amongst those persons who were registering for work for more than 21 weeks.

The number of persons with a disability who were registering for work decreased by nine when compared to the previous year, reaching 253. Men accounted for 71.5 per cent of total registrants with a disability.

The largest share of men and women on the unemployment register sought occupations as clerical support workers, with 23.2 per cent and 41.3 per cent respectively 

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