To mark the 100th anniversary since the birth of popular Maltese comic actor Charles Clews, Spazju Kreattiv is producing a special variety show featuring some of his known works.

The event will feature contemporary popular entertainers, whose performance style is suitable to the interpretation of the type of works written by Clews.

The script was written by Toni Sant and Trevor Zahra based on the writings of Clews and including popular songs such as Rozamarie, L-Emigrant, In-Nannu Tieghi Stess and Radju Muskettieri.

This project is being produced in collaboration with the surviving family members of Clews, especially his son Alan, who has collected various memorabilia and scripts written by this popular performer.

The show, supported by Arts Council Malta, is being held today at 6pm and 8pm and tomorrow at 8pm at Studio B, Spazju Kreattiv, St James Cavalier, Valletta. For more information, call 2122 3200 or visit

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