This week marks the end of my first-ever election campaign. I look back on an intense four weeks during which my colleagues and I, across the Nationalist Party, presented an electoral programme that is far-reaching in its scope and vision, taking in every aspect of our society, our economy, our environment and our institutions.

This is a programme that I am honoured to have contributed to over the past year. It presents an alternative Malta to the one we have now; a more resilient and united Malta which looks ahead to the future with pride and confidence.

Just a few days into this campaign, war erupted in Europe and daily news of aggression and violence entered our homes, reminding us that the world remains such an unstable place.

As if we needed any reminding after two years of dealing with a global pandemic, the escalating war in Ukraine highlighted how susceptible we remain to external disruptions and how important it is to have sound and responsible leadership that can be trusted to take decisions in our best interest.

Because this is the crux of it. Our government is supposed to reflect our interests and not those of a chosen few. Our government should be focused on creating the right policies, infrastructure and environment in which our society and our economy can thrive and achieve its full potential in a just and inclusive manner.

Our government should be working to safeguard our resilience so that we can withstand external shocks without compromising our stability and growth. Our government should be preparing for the future, equipping Malta with the agility, skills and infrastructure to boldly negotiate the imminent green and digital transformations, translating these challenges into a better quality of life for every citizen.

The Labour government continues to fall dangerously short on all these counts. Rather than look to the future, it has been constantly firefighting against one scandal after another as it failed to tackle the rampant political corruption that has placed Malta on the FATF grey list and tarnished our reputation across the globe. It has been mired in incompetence as institutions were weakened and the public service hijacked by political interests, with key appointments handed out based on allegiance and not ability.

This Saturday we can reset our future- Joe Giglio

Our economic policy is consistently superficial and reactive, rather than strategic and robust. No solid new economic sectors have been created as, instead, two successive Labour governments were more interested in flirting with unreliable new niches, rather than working with our business organisations and private sector to consolidate our strengths and tap into new opportunities.

All the while, our environment has been ravaged, both our natural and built heritage, which belongs to each and every one of us. We have reached a point where we barely recognise our own country anymore. This is not the government that Malta deserves and it is not the quality of leadership that we need in today’s challenging climate.

This election, therefore, places Malta at critical crossroads. A vote for the Nationalist Party means a vote for a new style of leadership, one that is built on trust, good governance and transparency and which can provide the stability and resilience that are sorely needed after years of scandal and incompetence.

A vote for the Nationalist Party can also be an informed one. Throughout this election campaign, we have not resorted to gimmicks or empty sound bites, nor have we sought to blind voters with promises of one-off payments even as the cost of living soars. Rather, we launched our electoral programme just days into the campaign so that our message is loud and clear. This programme is wide and ambitious but is rooted in an integrated and holistic vision that takes all sectors and all sections of society forward. Together.

Just imagine what we can achieve if we could finally shed the corruption and incompetence that has defined the present government and restore our confidence and reputation. This would allow a renewed focus on governing rather than firefighting. It would mean peace of mind for all, including the business sector that would be able to operate within a clear and consistent framework.

It would also support sound, equitable and sustainable economic planning which promotes a healthier environment and quality of life. Other essential pillars, such as health, education and social policy, would be given the comprehensive focus they deserve, with targeted investment where it is truly needed.

This Saturday presents a defining moment for our country in which we can reset our future. I would, therefore, ask you to take a moment and consider the best option for Malta before casting your vote.

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