If you are among the people who believe cocaine is everywhere these days, the latest episode of Times Talk will probably prove you right.

Maybe it is not literally everywhere - as journalists Marc Galdes and Emma Borg explain after bar-hopping through most of Valletta's establishments for weeks - but it is fair to say they observed it "in every other bar".

And some of the people queueing restlessly for the bathrooms in these bars do not seem to be putting in too much effort to conceal their small plastic bags with white powder as they wait to go in the stalls, sometimes in groups.

Filming: Karl Andrew Micallef, Matthew Mirabelli; Editing: Karl Andrew Micallef

The more impatient ones get out their credit cards and snort it in front of everyone on the first flat surface they can find.

Times Talk also talked to a dealer, a cocaine user about the drug scene in Malta, and asked them why they take it, how much it costs nowadays, and its effects.

The episode also sits down with leading psychiatrist Anton Grech and forensic laboratory scientist Godwin Sammut, who warn that the casual use of cocaine is having devastating impacts on people's physical and mental health.

The episode follows a Times of Malta story earlier this month titled 'Valletta is a coke den', which explored the widespread use of cocaine in Malta's nightlife. That story revealed Valletta is increasingly becoming a playground for drugs.

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